How Can Homeowners Prepare Their AC System for a Summer Vacation?

Vacation, AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Madeira, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat

What do you first think about when you hear the word “summer”? Admittedly, for many, summer correlates with fun, relaxation, catching up on projects placed on the back burner, and most of all – vacation! Summer vacation is a fun thing to look forward to and plan for. You’re probably thinking about your destination, how you’re going to get there, and what you’ll do once you arrive. There are so many details that require planning and strategizing leading up to vacation. For example, if you have pets, you may be looking for a pet sitter, or perhaps you have a garden, then you may be seeking someone who can tend to your plants while you are away. Whatever your preparation planning entails, remember to include your AC system on that list! Madeira Heating & Air knows June and July are the hottest months of the year, so we would hate for you to be blindsided upon returning from your vacation only to find a malfunctioning AC system.

When Should You Raise the Temperature?

It would help if you raised the temperature right before leaving the house. If you were planning to completely shut your AC system off before heading out, we highly recommend you reconsider. Shutting off your AC for an extended period will result in higher humidity levels within your home. Unfortunately, when this occurs, it creates the ideal environment for mildew and mold to grow. It also can compromise sensitive objects in your home, including (but not limited to): wine, expensive items, collector’s items, art, and houseplants. So instead of shutting off your AC system entirely, make it a point to raise the temperature on your thermostat before you leave the house and set off for your trip. Ideally, an excellent range to set the temperature on is between 80-85 degrees. This temperature range will reduce your system’s energy consumption without compromising household items.

When Should You Change the Air Filter?

Our NATE-certified technicians recommend replacing HVAC air filters every 1-2 months. Of course, when your air filters should be replaced varies with each home. But 1-2 months is a good rule of thumb to follow. With that being said, if an air filter is not replaced regularly, it can become clogged, resulting in problems with your system. Therefore, it would be a good idea to think proactively and swap your air filter out with a fresh one before your vacation. You want to do this, especially if your air filter is due to be replaced around the same time as your vacation week. 

When Should You Clean the Condenser?

The condenser should be cleaned every so often. Due to being located outside, it is typical for dirt, pollen, and other particles to build up on top of it. If this is allowed to continue going unchecked, it can negatively affect your AC’s efficiency. For example, your home’s IAQ may be drastically reduced if the buildup gets sucked in with the surrounding air and circulated throughout your home. If you suspect your condenser needs a quick cleaning, you can accomplish this by hosing it down with a garden hose. Additionally, we suggest keeping any obstructions several feet away from the unit. You don’t want any items falling onto the condenser and causing damage.

When Should You Conduct Maintenance On Your AC System?

Lastly, has your air conditioning unit been serviced for its tune-up and safety check this season? Typically, this service should be done at the beginning of warm months before the weather really starts heating up. But if you have not been able to do so yet, no big deal! We got you. Call us today so we can get you on our schedule for our soonest available appointment. We want to stress the importance of having this done before you leave for your vacation. Preventative maintenance is a huge factor in enabling your AC system to run at its highest capacity. It would only cause you more stress on your mind and wallet if you were to find a malfunctioning cooling unit upon your return from vacation. Avoid this problem altogether and call us today!

Madeira Heating & Air is with you every step of the way. We want nothing but the best for you, your home, and your family! So this means we want you to enjoy a stress-free, worry-free vacation without thinking about whether everything is in order back home. If you still need to book that seasonal maintenance check, or maybe you have a concern about your cooling unit, don’t hesitate to contact us at (513) 655-5125 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! Oh, and before we forget, we wish you safe travels and hope you have an amazing summer vacation!

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